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Original: @cabalex | Current version: v25v4 Default controls are WASD/arrow keys; can be configured in the options menu "It's basically like DDR, press arrow when arrow over other arrow. And uhhh don't die." MODDING: https://cabalex.github.io/fnf-song-converter/guide/

Notes and Credits

THIS PROJECT IS VERY LARGE. If you can't run it, try Forkphorus https://forkphorus.github.io/#519325355 A FNF clone. This project will probably not receive further updates- but you're welcome to make changes and improvements to improve it! [Questions regarding this project? Ask on @cabalex ] --- TIMINGS OFF? HERE'S HOW TO HELP: --- - Calibrate the timing in the settings (manual calibration with the slider is usually better, try playing with it!) - Play in 60+ FPS Turbowarp: https://turbowarp.org/519325355/fullscreen?fps=60 - Use a more capable computer --- DOPE DEVELOPERS --- Thanks to ninjamuffin_99 (programming), PhantomArcade3k, evilsk8r (art), and kawaisprite (music) for the original game and assets. Support the original developers! They now have a kickstarter. https://ninja-muffin24.itch.io/funkin Play Week 7 on Newgrounds! https://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/770371 --- faq (please read before making a comment) --- -- THERE'S AN INPUT DELAY. A lot of the input problems stem from how I check for inputs, which is about once per frame. Problem is, Scratch likes to run at... less than 30 fps, making the experience kind of painful. I don't really have a fix for this, but you can try using 60 FPS Turbowarp and see if that negates the problem somewhat. I have somewhat improved this with v22. -- WHERE IS {removed part of the game}?? -- I've modified some of the game's levels to remove inappropriate parts. If you think something should be changed, please contact me via @cabalex -- WILL YOU ADD THE STORY MODE? It's not really worth my time. The engine isn't really built for story mode capabilities, and I'd have to modify a lot to get it to work (which means yes, more load times). Plus, the stuff that would actually be added would need to be heavily censored and/or modified, which would detract more from the game than add to it. -- CAN YOU ADD {mod}? -- This project is already pretty large in size- I won't be adding any modded content. However, you can! See modding info in the instructions. -- MY COMPUTER CAN'T HANDLE MODDING. An easier to use mod maker is in development- but maybe try borrowing a more powerful computer in the meantime? --- LOG OF CHANGES --- https://cabalex.github.io/fnf-song-converter/downloads/

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