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1 - Gaster blasters 2 - Rawling gasters (spinning blasters) 3 - bone jumps f - phase 2 cross blasters -5 energy x beginning blaster attack - 20 energy p - Short blasters (WIP) e - Blaster lines c - little blasters big blasters (finale attack 2 wip) r - + blasters d - Right bone throw s - down bone throw a - left bone throw w - up bone throw ---------------------- MORE ATTACKS WILL BE MADE!!! ---------------------------------------------- Faces ----------------------------- B - normal n - wink m = eyeless g = smirk h = yellow eye (justice) j = blue eye (patience) ----------------------------------- Postures ---------------------- 4 - normal 5 - shrug ----------------------- Things that might be added Easter eggs Papyrus mode Error mode (error sans) ------------------ UF sans is being made in another game Check it out once i release it! --------------------------------------- Big changes.... -2 kr instead of 1 kr per sec (makes it easier for sans) 99 hp instead of 94 (WIP) (easier for player?)

Notes and Credits

HARD MODE HERE IT IS Btw changed bone gaps

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