ㅤㅤ★★★★★ The Ninja Squad 4 ★★★★★
Skip the intro by clicking on the mouse or tapping the space bar.
At last, after over 1 month of work, this game is out. I know I haven't made a project for a whole month but that is because of school. Make sure to ❤️ and ⭐ if you enjoy this.
★★★ STORY ★★★
Red, Green, Blue and Black are going on an adventure to find the long lost Castle of Werwell. There is a path which leads the way but it can only be seen with the light from the Light Ninja. Team up with him so that you can the long lost Castle of Werwell...
★★★ CONTROLS ★★★
➜Reset Level - Press 'r'
➜Skip Level if it is allowed - Press 's'
➜Move and jump - Arrow keys, WASD or use the mouse pointer
➜Switch ninja - Click the 'switch button' or press 'z'
# These abilities are not always on, you have to turn them on
➜Turn on or off special ability - Space bar or click the icon on the bottom left
➜Switch between weapons (only black) - Space bar or click the icon on the bottom left
➜Use sword - Press 't' or click the 'attack button'
➜Use star (only black) - Press 'f' or click the 'throw button'
# You are resistant to light
# Spikes, lava, grass, water and darkness kill you
➜Reset Level - Press 'r'
➜Move and jump - Arrow keys, WASD or use the mouse pointer
➜Use Sword - Press 't' or click the attack button