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Remix and add more names of powers on the list. Rules: (Only @Twin138956Scratch, @Burgnew_On_A_Laptop, @Kyle3912Again, @ringtop02, @SmashBrosFan2020, @ZYellow, @ScratchTeen9300, and @ProDelta110, as well as their other accounts, can break them.) 1. No deleting any Sprites! (Core Rule) 2. The maximum amount of powers you can add is 15. DON'T ADD MORE THAN 15 POWER NAMES! (we're watching you at all times @dabok11; no offense) BANNED LIST: No one yet 3. Do not report the project at ALL times. (Community Guidelines Rule)

Notes and Credits

Credits: @dohaya2009 + @-Rex- - https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/406678232/ Nintendo + Konami + SEGA All owners of the assets. Twin's notes: Added fifteen more power names, and also added updates on the rules. Also, we have surpassed 500 power names! Didn't expect to see that coming!

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