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(watch twice for best timing, if it's not on beat watch again or love and favorite for less lag) So. This is the newest addition to periodic lore! Woo! A week ago (roughly) I decided to try and work on the current story. I didn't really know what music to do, so I decided to expand on this AMV! When I first made the first section a month ago, I thought it was gonna be something like the panic room AMV: blow up for a short amount of time, and then fizzle out. But it didn't. And now: I present the second section! A bit of a quality drop, nothing to big. Also I tried bitmap, so yeah. Another thing I'm going to continue: telling the audience the plot. I don't want people to get the wrong idea... In the middle of all this, the police start to look at who 2 is. They look at her licenses, her public records. Nothing's there. They've seen her shows, they've seen her, but still... something seems off. At the same time, they're gaining on periodic and 2, hiding in the city. Then 2 disappears, and Periodic starts wonder: what I'm seeing... is it reality? Are my eyes just tricking me? That's all the plot I have so far :0 I might continue adding on until the full 30+ seconds are full of animation, but that's some time in the future. Cya next time!

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