> > > >!!! E P I L E P S Y W A R N I N G !!!< < < <
Highly recommended to use TurboWarp to avoid notes de-syncing with the music and for improved stability!
Please read the rest of this note for instructions v v v v
Use enter and the arrow keys to navigate/change difficulty. Press X to go back a section in menus.
Due to scratch having some trouble with the timer and audio during lag, notes may go out of sync. This goes away when you restart the project.
What's to come:
- Refine the game and fix whatever bugs pop up
- Add the final week
- Mods?
I hope you enjoy it!
Original game: Ninjamuffin99
Soundtrack: Kawai Sprite
Artwork: PhantomArcade & evilsk8r
Helpful people/resources:
Modded blocks: HarryPotter313
Stage lerp movement: gor-dee
FNF Wiki (statistics and bhts technical info)
[0.1-0.7 removed for shorter length]
0.8 - Added story mode, and some accompanying bugfixes.
0.81 - A true options menu added, with the ability for custom controls, ghost tapping, performance options, and botplay.
0.82 - Minor update, splits grace period into a per-note rather than per-hit system so you can't just spam every key at once for every note and hit them all.
0.821 - Hotfix that resets last update's counter each song.
0.9 - Text boxes, note engine update so you can hit notes directly after missing, bugfixes.
0.91 - Added tutorial, fixed jittering story menu.
0.911 - ...I broke the story mode menu by saving with it stuck in a gliding state. Fixed!
0.92 - Added downscroll!
0.95 - Brand new note handling engine that works on time instead of position, along with many bugfixes and improvements.