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Press space. New glyphs coming soon! --~--~--~--~--~--~--~--~--~--~ Languages: Basic Latin (lowercase & uppercase) More Latin (lowercase) Accents Numbers & Punctuation (includes Big Tum's numberling) Cyrillic (lowercase) Greek (lowercase) Coptic (lowercase) Betang (lowercase & uppercase) Updates ====================== v1.1 1/4/2021 4:01:32 Added that alt 'A' (requested by @Angrycreeper123) v1.2 5/4/2021 19:34:35 Added Betang letters v1.3 5/4/2021 19:38:27 Added old English letters v1.4 7/4/2021 17:32:59 Removed Ꜹ from Betang because yes v1.5 9/5/21 16:49:47 Added Argam 11-20! v1.6 10/5/21 13:32:21 Removed Argam 11-20 and added Hexadecimal digits v1.7 11/2/22 14:10:34 Changed project name

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