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hey! qthis is the project for blox fruit showcase leave cmt(s) 4 me! ill fix the game!! INSTRUCTION: move to the fruit to eat it z,x to use ability Q,W to dash end!! THE REAL FANTASTIC GAME NEVA NEED A HASHTAG!!

Notes and Credits

THIS GAME HAS MOVED TO THE ALPHA TESTING!!! ALSO THANKS YALL 4 SUPPORTED MY GAME <3 SHOWCASE FRUIT 4 NOW :: IN THE GAME NOW WE HAVE: BOMB, SPIKE, CHOP, SPRING(but the f ability's glitch), FLAME, LIGHT, RUBBER, RUMBLE, QUAKE, ICE, AND, STRING, DARK, DOUGH, PHOENIX, BARRIER, PAW, MAGMA, SMOKE, CONTROL, BUDDHA(but its glitch, u need to click z multiple time to heal 4 hp), ?!?, GRAVITY, DRAGON, SPIN, KILO, LOVE, SOUL!! Awakened fruits showcase: FLAME, DARK, STRING, RUMBLE, QUAKE(the z ability will sometimes glitch), LIGHT,MAGMA, SAND!! FIGHTING STYLE: COMBAT,ELECTRIC CLAW, DRAGON TALON, SUPERHUMAN V2! press the ? in the bottom to get a fruit, ! to get a melee style and sword tho press M button to turn on music

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