Press the flag to start the hurricane season.
Press the flag again to restart the hurricane season.
Decide if you want your season to be hyperactive or inactive by clicking the appropriate buttons!
Use the left/right arrow keys to change the music
Use the up/down arrow keys to adjust the music volume.
T - show/hide storm tracks
0 - no music
Music credited to Force Thirteen, ThePhoneExpert, Jagsko, and LckyTUBA!
The warmer the water, the stronger storms could get.
The colder the water, the weaker storms could get.
Peak month: September
Versions 2.9.1 and before can be accessed via the 'Changelog' button on the start menu.
v2.10 (30 Jan 2023) -
- The 2023 naming list is now here!
- Category 5 lightning has returned!
- New month backgrounds now show in the track cover-up.
v2.10.1 (8 Feb 2023) -
- Fixed a bug in which the track cover-up would not display the new backdrops.
- Fixed a bug that prevented the Season Analysis title to appear after simulating a season.
- Fixed total ACE disappearing after a season ended.
- New lightning appearance for the Monster Storm!
v2.10.2 (1 Mar 2023) -
- Substantially altered the ACE system to reduce lag caused by the presence of way too many blocks.
- The ACE counter at the bottom-right of the screen now changes incrementally during the life of a storm instead of all at once when the storm ends.
v2.10.3 (3 Mar 2023) -
- The ACE counter variable has been replaced with a (what on earth do you call it) counter that is a little less obtrusive.
- Fixed a bug where the Monster Storm landfall pin would not appear if storm 4 made landfall as that type.
- Fixed a bug where storm 4 would not show Monster Storm lightning.
- The first day of the month should not pass too quickly if storms are active.
v2.10.4 (6 Mar 2023) -
- The counters for tropical storms, hurricanes, and major hurricanes are no longer represented by a variable.
- The landfall markers and pins for tropical and subtropical depressions have been changed slightly.
v2.10.5 (8 July 2024) -
- Cleaned up code to make programme run more smoothly.
- Changed the format of the season logs to make them more visible.
- The ACE is now calculated formulaically from the storm's wind speed instead of through 'if-then' statements, so it is now possible to have a storm that generates over 150 ACE.