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Notes and Credits

Make a Custom Rick Roll! (Song is Never Gonna Give You Up by Rick Astley) Part 1 (All Star): https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/472572498 I MADE THIS, PLEASE USE WITH CREDIT! Note: @EatNYeet made this before me, but I never knew his existed until I made mine. Please note that I didn't steal his, and he didn't steal mine. Add a sound in, replace "Woah" block with your sound in the "Note" custom block, and you're finished! Quite simple, really. I recommend having a sound that is 0.3 seconds or less, or else it will sound weird lol (and also one syllable) Best viewed in Turbo Mode! (shift + click the flag) @FuriousProjectzTV inspired this. #rickroll #custom #music

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