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If you are experiencing lag, use TurboWarp: https://turbowarp.org/457815827?hqpen The controls are in the project, but you can reference them here. Use the WASD keys to move. Press space to jump. Use the arrow keys to manipulate the camera. Hold space while moving towards a wall to perform a wall jump.

Notes and Credits

This is my first 3D game. I created it as a demonstration for my 3D graphics pipeline. Not many ideas here are original, so it is quite generic. @gabeknight999 helped with enemy interaction scripts. @Vadik1 wrote the z-clipping and object deletion algorithms. @MeGacreator22 wrote the sorting algorithm. @bobojoeho wrote the triangle filler.

TurboWarp is a Scratch mod that compiles projects to JavaScript to make them run really fast. Try it out by inputting a project ID or URL above or choosing a featured project below.