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The 15th Nuclear Island. 5 more islands to go. We're almost done, nice. Elements: Nuclear, Galactic, Mushroom, Desert Welcome to Starlight Highway, only the brightest sector in the province. It's perpetually lit up by an assortment of multicolored neon lights, even in the daytime, so it's a constant light show. Even the fungus that grows underneath the roads has been affected by the neon radiation, and glow along with the rest of the city. Anyway, the monsters have come here to find someone who may help them find the Vivid Temple. Find out what happens next. This might be the shortest full song actually. Huh.

Notes and Credits

Credits: Monster designs: @TheRemixer124 Monster animations: @BaldiVsPacmanEtc, @CGbrinker, @chefrhino11, @MetroidFan15, @MSM235, @MSMboy647, @YelmutTheory Monster sounds: @MSM235, @YelmutTheory

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