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Notes and Credits

Navigation can really be tough sometimes, can't it? Laggy? Watch it on Youtube: https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/youtube/HmpGQMwNh7U Here's a very short animation that's basically a filler. Just press the green flag a few times to reduce lag and enjoy! Also just to clarify, I didn't get a new OC. I just made a design for Alyelle as an adult that may or may not be for an upcoming DTIYS. ;) A bunch of people were wondering what that thing on her face is - it's one of those black old-fashioned transparent masks (if that's a good way to describe it??) 11.8.2020 - Top Loved! #animations #art #stories Credits: - Art and animation by me - Voices: @Berricake + @hiohbye Music Used: - Ryan Gosling, Emma Stone - City of Stars - The Chordettes - Mr. Sandman - Kurokotei - Callback

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