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Guide: TB:I spy with my little eye. GB:I spy with my little eye. Match:I spy with my little eye. Leafy:Trees have leaves right? Bubble:Blow a bubble! Pen:I spy with my little eye. Spongy:Who lives in a pineapple under the sea? Flower:I see one growing right now. Grassy: I spy with my little eye. Cloudy: Whats that in the sky? Snowball:Freeze a contestant thats the same shape. Book:What you need to write a book? Fries:Where do you get em? Bottle:Where do you put bottles your done with? Woody:Trees have wood right? Basketball:Somebody the same shape orange? Rocky:Wood on dirt! Nickel:See rocky Coiny:An orange coin? Firey:who looks like him? Firey Jr:Firey in a funnel? David:Im reading this book about stick people! Dora:Davids bald? Not anymore! Use hair paint now! Needle:Coiny in a funnel? Yellow face:Who has the same colour face as him? Donut:Well someone round thats gotta hole in em. Pillow:We have a cloud now all we need is fluff! Gelitan:Freeze a green contestant. Barf bag:Well we need some junk food and somebody who is always sick. Ruby:Mine a rock! Pencil:A stationary tool turned orange Eraser :Who has those? Blocky: Well if lapizs is dye then dye someone who looks like him red. Pin:A block and a sharp object. Bomby: A Round contestant Black. PuffBall:Someone about her size pink. Teardrop:Melt snow? Ice cube: Freeze water. Naily:Electrify a metal contestant. Clock:I spy with my little eye. Fanny:Who does he look like? Black hole:Clock but black? Bell:Orange like Basketball and same shape of bottle. Hmmm... Roboty:Oh wow an electronics bin! Robot flower::Oh wow an electronics bin! TV::Oh wow an electronics bin! Remote::Oh wow an electronics bin! Eggy:A round contestant and a white one... Clock;I see one right there in the- Fanny:Who looks like him? Black hole:Clock but black? Marker:A stationary without ink with ink? Tree:What do trees have? combie thoese things! Pie:Coiny and a baked good. Cake:Well eggs are one ingredient to make a cake. Lollipop:Who has the same colours as her?? Foldy:Click book and use what you get wisely... Gaty:Oh i see one! Balloony:Lollipop with somebody green.. Braclety:Her idol with a hole in her! Stapy:Naily and a red metal contestant. Liy:Lightning and somebody the same size.. Saw: Gaty and a metal pointy contestant. Taco: Lettuce LEAF with a hole in it. 4:Click the 4 key. X:Click the X key. 2 Press the 2 key. RECOMENDED CHARECTERS ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rubiny: Ruby in a funnel? Candle: Put fries in a funnel and combine the remains with a hot contestant! TNT: A VERY powerful explosive in a funnel. Orange eraser: Turn eraser orange. IT COULD HAVE NOT BEEN MORE OBVIOUS! Cheese: Spongy with limbs somehow... Lego: Blocky without arms.. Grave: Rocky turned black for the writing. Robot tree: Tree and the first robot version of a BFDI character. Lilly pad: Combine two floral themed things together! (Grassy and ??????) Kelp: Remove Leafy's limbs. Penguin: Igloos huh? Ball: A blue contestant without limbs. Dirt: click dirt. Diamond: Another gem turned blue. Glass: Bottle without limbs. Lightbulb: Bottle with electricity. Firevid: Firey plus? Pebble: Rocky through a funnel. Winner: His opposite without limbs. Steamy: Cloudy with limbs. Evil Leafy (recomended by -PenTPOT-) Fire can sometimes be red, and evil leafy is a leaf so... Amethyst:(Recomended bymtndew_13) Ruby but pink??? Soda: What is the one of the most common ways to get a can? Get well card:(Recomended by objectshowmaster) what is paper made of? color that orange. Basil: Put a tree leaf in a funnel. Battery: CHARLES THE REMOTE ISNT WORKING! Phone: Electronicks. Blue face: Seriously? Blue needle: Again, Seriously?? Bang snaps: Put an explosive (VERY POWERFUL) in a hole maker. Mechanical pencil: A mechanical plus a pencil. Lemon And Lime: HEY MAN IM GONNA EAT YOUR GIRLFRIEND Lose token: Imagine if nickel was blue. lol. Runner up: Well winner is 1st place. runner up is 2 so maybe... WINNER + ??? Fishbowl: I spy with my little eye.. Fish: Where do they live? Briefcase: Hey he kinda looks like blocky but white. WAIT- Cappy: Briefcase with no arms would be scary. Chips: Spongy if he was just a bit more round.. Red pen: AGAIN SERIOUSLY?!!! Shrub: Its pretty much a small tree so maybe if we somehow found a way to put a tree in the funnel. Evil Gelitan: Red jelly-tan. Gun and bullet: Bullets are made of lead, and guns are linked with bullets. Flamethrower: Fire gun Milk: Cow. Ice cream: Freeze Ice cream ingredient Volleyball: Tb white yes yes. Orange: Basketball with limbs. Omelette: Taco taco no limbs. White Firey: YET AGAIN SERIOUSLYYYYYYYYY? Minecraft Block: The Symbol of Minecraft is a BLOCK of DIRT. Echo: Watch M.O.S.S And who does he look like? (lightning limb) Blue pillow: im not gonna. Creeper: Minecraft block and an explosive. Firey with XFOHV assets: Firey plus an even number. Gumball: a Red bubble. Rubber ball: A round red contestant without limbs.

Notes and Credits

Christmas Lover: David loves Christmas TREES! McNugget: Set That Chicken on fire! Bean Boozeled Box: I spy with my little eye... Jelly bean: where are they kept? Scratch cat: i spy with my little eye.. Frosting: See Steamy. Rose: (recomended by BFDIGolfBall123): Turn flower red. NOTES: ------------------------------------------------------ 4, X And 2 all spawn in random positions when you get them. This took me 7 months and the game is still in progress so please enjoy and recommend characters! new updates every day! Now you can choose your own music to play ingame! A: All week 3 songs! B: All week 7 songs! Thats all for now- UPDATE 18/09/22 Updated the igloo model. :

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