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Roles break a lot, I plan on fixing them sometime in the future. It's multiplayer, if you don't believe me open two tabs and try playing on both. Space to vent, WASD or arrows keys to move! If you find ANY bugs, PLEASE tell me. <!> IMPORTANT<!> If you do NOT have the "Scratcher" rank you cannot use multiplayer. WASD or Arrow Keys to move, Space or Vent Button to vent tags: #AmongUs #AmongUsMultiplayer #Among #Us #Among_Us #Among-Us #Game #AmongUsGame #Multiplayer #Online #AmongUs #amongus #amongusgame #AmongUsGame #AmongUsMap #MultiplayerAmongUs #AmongUsGame #Game #AmongUsMultiplayerGame #MultiplayerGame

Notes and Credits

<!> IMPORTANT <!> I've lost motivation for working on this a while ago. If anyone wants to continue on from where I left off, comment on my profile and I'll change all this to a link and credits to your project. I'm really sorry, I've gotten caught up in school and I'm moving on from scratch mostly. I might add some things every once in a while, but the fun of working on this has departed. I'm really sorry, I hope it's ok. Thank you all so much for all the support on this project, I had a lot of fun making it, I'm just not as motivated to work on it anymore. I might return in the future to work on this, I'm not sure. MASSIVE thanks to @badmode, go check out their project here: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/431700579/ @averagelife for the "shhhh" banner! @that-one-sonic-fan13 for the Swipe Card, Wires, and Vent Icon art! @TR00M00 for the star motion blur! @MaxyBrian for some character sprites! @zvardin for the dead body sprites! @PewDiePython for some of the scrolling code! @Kismat12 @Cloud-Multiplayer Multiplayer scripts! Credit to InnerSloth for the original Among Us game! You are an incredible dev team, amazing job! If you find bugs or have any suggestions, tell me in the comments... Todo List ඞ: Add more tasks Fix animations Add the ability to add hats Killing Death animation Dead bodies Ghosts

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