Press The Green Flag Twice
YT: (subscribe)
Updated: August 5, 2024, 3:14 PM
Note: Don't you just feel sad when you follow a famous Scratcher, and they don't follow you back. I know how you all feel without followers, so that is why I have made this project.
By the way I'm not trying to force them to follow us, I just want them (if they want) to follow me and you.
Oh and sorry to those famous scratchers, I don't think you guys are mean (like when I made you guys say no)
Another Note: I don't do F4F, I just made this project as a lesson to not do F4F.
For those who haven't noticed, TheLifeConqueror series is a series about a boy named Toady who has a difficult life because he has bad luck and good things never happen to him. But he keeps moving forward so that he can maybe one day conquer his life and get good luck!
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