Cell Machine Level Editor on Scratch
This project has been copied and remixed tons of times. If you copy and Scratch doesn't put the remix of message, then you need to credit me.
A and D to rotate cells in the menu.
Cells are displayed at the bottom, click one, and it will appear in the grid. If your Select Mode is set to select, click and drag it to where you want. If your select mode is set to delete, click to delete it.
At the top are the Start, Stop, and Step Buttons. Press Start to start the simulation, Press Stop to stop the simulation, and Press Step to play the simulation for a second.
Options has a few options, like simulation time and cell limit.
Press E to clear all cells
Press X to hide the menu
Read Notes and Credits to know about the cells!
Original Cell Machine game made by Sam Hogan.
This game recently got a massive update, the 3.0 update adds tons of new content! It overhauled all the cells in the game, fixed many bugs, introduced 7 new cells, and did more.
Mover - A cell that pushes other cells around and travels in a specific direction. There are 4 different Directions.
Enemy Cell - A cell which is the goal of the game, destroy them with any cell, destroy all to win.
Push Cell - A cell that can be pushed by others.
Rotator Cell - A cell that rotates other cells that touch it. 2 Directions.
Generator Cell - Clones cells that touch it.
Slider Cell - Can only be pushed in the indicated direction. 2 Directions
Immobile Cell - A cell which cannot be moved at all and blocks other cells.
Trash Cell - A cell that destroys other cells which touch it. (From Cell Machine Mystic Mod)
Moving Enemy Cell - a cell that dies when touched by another cell, but it moves.
Rotator Enemy Cell - an enemy cell that can rotate other enemy cells.
Teleporter Cell - a cell that makes movers teleport through it. 4 directions
Random Cells - A cell that turns into another cell (regular cannot turn into pause cells or save cells.), Limited can only turn into cells present in the original cell machine or mystic mod, and chaos can turn into any cell excluding dev cells (because those are among the most broken things in the entire game.)
Pause cell - a cell that pauses the simulation
Freeze Cell - a cell that freezes another cell in place for 5 seconds.
Counter Cell - Counts how many cells were destroyed by it.
Flipper Cell - Turns cells 180 degrees
Music Cell - Plays a music note when hit dependent on the y position of the cell.
Save Cell - Cells save their position when they hit this cell, so if you end the simulation then the cell will reappear where it hit the save cell.
Random Rotator - Rotates a cell 90 or -90.
Fast Mover - A faster variant of the mover
Clocked Mover - A mover that moves on a schedule.
Transporter - Teleports a cell somewhere.
Latch - Attaches onto another cell
Brute Enemy - An enemy cell with 2 hits
TNT - an enemy cell that explodes
Border - A cell that does the edge functionality.
3.1 (Sound update)
*Added Music
*Added Sounds
*Removed some unused code that was supposed to do something??
*Fixed cells not being destroyed by enemy reverse rotator cell
*Fixed # of Clones not being reset when you pressed e (aka delete everything) this meant you could hit the limit prematurely.
*Fixed some newer cells not being destroyed by enemy cells.
3.2 (Latch on)
*Added Latch Cell
*Added Rotate status
*Increased Clone Limit range to 1000 just for if you play the game on turbowarp so you don't hit the limit if you want no limit.
*Expanded Dev Cells menu to be the entire screen in size.
*Fixed Dev Cells not having labels.
*Fixed options menu still mentioning the clone limit not applying to generated enemy cells when that restriction had been removed in 3.0
*Removed the Scrapped Ideas menu.
3.3 (Oooh it Burns!)
*Added Texture Packs
*Added Fire Cell
*Added Border Cell to dev cells.
*Added Brute Enemy Cell
*Added TNT Cell
*Stylized Simulation on/off
*Updated Dev Cells menu text.
*Fixed generator cell not properly generating Fast Movers, Clocked Movers, Flippers, Latch Cells, or Random Rotators.
*Fixed the Delete button looking really wonky.
*Fixed Random Cells not spawning in the Latch Cell properly.
*Fixed Enemy Cells dying to Save Cell and saving at the same time. They now save properly instead of dying.
*Fixed Enemy Cells not having a sound effect when be destroyed from Random Rotators, Flippers, or Movers.
*Fixed cells not properly generating.
*Fixed Reverse Rotators and Latch Cell not properly rotating from the menu.
*Fixed Rotate Tool rotating cells too fast.
3.4 (Minor)
*Fixed Counter Cell's vector style not working in the Inventory.
3.5 (Fixes that's about it)
Added new look to Barrier Cell.
Fixed cells not respawning after being destroyed while the simulation was in progress.
Fixed Pause Cell not pausing when colliding with some new cells.
Fixed Counter Cell not counting some new cells.
Fixed Music Cell not colliding with some new cells.
Fixed Immobile Cell being teleported by Transporter cell.