Wow, an actually animated BFB Intro?
I've seen 2 types of BFB Intros on scratch.
Either the gif, which is honestly cool,
and the one where its coded, and doesn't really have the feel of the intro.
I took the gif, and went frame by frame to animate the intro.
This took over 5 hours to make, and I'm pretty proud of the outcome.
It's a bit wobbly at parts, and i coulnd't make it completely smooth, but I hope its enough to satisfy you guys.
And yeah, I worked on this intro for 2 days, like 2 months ago, and im now realizing im probbably not gonna finish it. But I hope this is enough.
What is BFB?
If you haven't heard of BFB, it is an object show made by jacknjellify, who were the creator of the first ever object show, BFDI, or Battle For Dream Island. The concept of object shows was based off of shows like Survivor, where the contestants do a challenge, then the losers are up for elimination. Its a similar concept, but all the contestants are inanimate objects. This project is a remake of the intro of that show.