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Notes and Credits

Trending #12 Games #8 CAN WE GO UP PLEASE CAN WE? Note this is not finished! Welcome to planets a multiplayer platformer! Arrow keys on pc to move T to chat Full screen recommended First to reach the end wins play and beat your friends! Note: You have to be a scratcher to play Comment how long it took you to finish it Dont forget to heart Fave and follow! CAN WE GET 500 LIKE AND 500 FAVES? ___________________________________________ @Sound_Bound loved and faved @-Ascent- loved @TimMcCool Loved @krishtheking123 loved and faved @0014049 loved and faved @-PandaMC- loved @-skystudios- hearted and faved @benelem12test hearted and faved @Benelem12 loved @StratfordJames hearted and faved @dayfin loved @Lazy_Coder02 ___________________________________________ Go to @Life_is_precious oc contest go check this out she worked so hard https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/406583257/ I woke up with 600 messages thank you so much ___________________________________________ credit to @timmcool for the engine Credit to @ANDUANDU for the thumbnail! Go follow @JPANDD he proposed it to be features ___________________________________________ Please propose this project to be featured https://scratch.mit.edu/studios/4228481/ ___________________________________________ #Game #planet #multiplayer #platformer

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