【お知らせ】鬼滅の刃2クイズ柱稽古編 完成!
ver 1.10(12/29)選択矢印と決定をキー操作可能に
ver 1.08(12/28)バグ修正・選択矢印位置変更
ver 1.01(3/5) 炭次郎を私が描いた絵に差し替え
ver 1.00(3/2) スキップ機能、炭次郎の動き追加
ver 0.96(2/28) セーブのバグ修正、クイズ追加
ver 0.95(2/28) 不正解時に伊之助が答えを言う設定
ver 0.93(2/28) ボイス・エフェクトの微調整
ver 0.92(2/27) セーブ機能を追加
ver 0.90(2/23) 伊之助の決定ボタンの挙動を修正
ver 0.87(2/20) 追いかけてくる鬼の挙動を変更
ver 0.86(2/19) クイズの種類を増やしました
ver 0.86(2/19) 鬼との会話を見直しました
ver 0.85(2/19) 同じ問題が出るバグを修正しました
ver 0.70(2/18) スマホに対応しました
Alot of people are saying they dont understand, so here's what it says according to google translate: Well, how much do you know about "Devil Blade"? ! 6 stages in total. Defeat the demons there with a "quiz breath" Achieve the request to save the village safely! ver 1.01
(3/5) Replaced Charcoal Jiro with a picture I drew ver 1.00
(3/2) Added skip function and Sumijiro's movement ver 0.96
(2/28) Bug fix for save, quiz added ver 0.95
(2/28) Inousuke gives an answer when incorrect answer
There is no commercial purpose for any work. I want to enjoy the devil's blade world together ^^ Notes and Credits If you like the devil's blade, I would like you to challenge it ^^ ※ I am very pleased if you can give me impressions, likes and comments. If you press from the beginning, Please note that SAVE data will be lost.
translator Fireflythirteensix.
Thanks for your cooperation.