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Notes and Credits

Top loved! :D 2d World Editor -- Work In Progress Controls: Arrow keys or A and D to move Up arrow or W to jump Down arrow or S to crouch Space bar to turn rain on and off Click to delete or place a tile Use keys 1-9 or the scroll wheel on your mouse to select blocks. Notes: I am aware that this game is extremely buggy, and sometimes does not work properly. Bugs I am aware of include: ~Parts of trees not loading in - a simple mouse click should fix this ~Player spawning underground - just dig yourself out These bugs may be annoying, but they will not really interfere with the project. Credits: This project was made with the guidance of some helpful YouTube tutorials created by @Funut, who goes over the steps to making a basic tile system. I have heavily modified the system to create hills, valleys, trees, and mushrooms, but huge credit goes to @Funut for the basic code. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- When I first started work on this project I envisioned an epic sandbox adventure game set in a randomly generated world full of fantasy creatures, magic, and wonder. At the moment, however, my coding skills are simply not at the level required to create a game of this scale in Scratch. Eventually I want to try again, though, to make something truly awesome. Wish me luck! :D Tags #games #WIP #platformer #sandbox Shared 5:54 PM Aug 4 2020

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