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Add a button to beat up Evil P-Head. Click on Evil P-Head to heal him. Combo List: - Sonic+Super Amy Rose=SonAmy - Sonic+Sally Acorn+Sally Acorn 2=Sonally - Turquoise Skull Zombie+Gargantuar+Squash+Doom Shroom+Cherry Bomb=Plants and Zombies vs. Evil P-Head - Sonic+Sally Acorn 2=Sonally's punches -Super Amy Rose+Sally Acorn+Sally Acorn 2=Amy and Sally as friends and teammates - Ghast+Doom Shroom+Cherry Bomb=Blue Shell=Michael Bay's Explosive Avalanche - Sonic+Sally Acorn+Sally Acorn 2+Super Amy Rose=2 Sally Acorns, 2 Hedgehogs

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