For help understanding how to enter a number, type “What” when asked for the range. Other than that, navigating the abbreviator should be pretty obvious. If you’re using an iOS device, you’ll have to reload the page once each time you return to this project. This is an issue with Scratch as a whole, not my project.
This is a tool to take large numbers and abbreviate them into many different notations. It can handle numbers from 0 all the way up to a whopping 10^10^10^308, although not all notations can support all of those numbers. There are a total of twenty-one different notations, and some of them have “dialects”, which are different variations of the same notation. For help with understanding these notations, there is an “Explain this Notation” button that will tell you about the notation, and there is also a button to explain the dialect you’ve selected if your selected notation has dialects.
Credit goes to the creators of Antimatter Dimensions and its notations for: Antimatter Dimensions Standard, Cancer (Emoji Letters), Logarithm, Infinity, Brackets, Roman for numbers above 4 million, Blind
Credit goes to Aarex Tiaokhiao for: Aarex’s Abbreviation System, Letter F Hyperscientific, Country Codes, Morse Code, Simplified Written
Other notations that are credited to other game makers: Alphabet (TopCog), Omega Layers (veprogames, formerly known as cook1ee)
Other notations that are credited to other people: yoreni's Mixed Scientific Dialect (Scratch user yoreni), Combined-D Notation (Scratch user RobloxLover2015), Vortex Dream (Inspired by an r/incrementalgames post by Reddit user Smdra)
All other notations are either general notations that don’t have one known origin, or are my own notations.
Abbreviator V1.3.2 (Dec. 26, 2023): Fixed a bug where k and l were swapped in Alphabet notation.
Abbreviator V1.3.1 (Jul. 11, 2021): Fixed a bug where certain letters were too large when displayed as part of longer abbreviations.
Abbreviator V1.3 (Jan. 2, 2021): Added the following notations: Long Scale (MathCookie's, Antimatter Dimensions, Aarex's, Vortex Dream, and Logarithmic Mix dialects for the first three), Mixed Scientific (MathCookie's, Antimatter Dimensions, Aarex's, yoreni's, Combined-D Notation, and a Logarithmic Mix dialect for that last one), Elements (Element Letters, Extended Table, and a Logarithmic Mix dialect for both), Omega Layers (Alpha Amount, Ramped Alpha Amount), Super Roots (Roots 2 to 256, Increasing Super Root). Added dialects to the following notations: Standard (Vortex Dream), Letters (Greek Letters, Scrambled Greek Letters, and a Logarithmic Mix dialect for both), Alphabet (Greek Alphabet, Scrambled Greek Alphabet, and a Logarithmic Mix dialect for both). Fixed several bugs and typos, most notably the double-click bug.
Abbreviator V1.2.2 (Mar. 10, 2020): Fixed a bug where Roman returned a blank abbreviation for E-Range Numbers.
Abbreviator V1.2.1 (Dec. 7, 2019): Fixed a bug where Alternate Base had decimal parts of B-Range numbers appear in base 10.
Abbreviator V1.2 (Dec. 6, 2019): Added the following notations: Country Codes (and a Logarithmic Mix dialect for it), Morse Code, Simplified Written (Bases 2 to 60), Tetration (Linear Approximation)
Abbreviator V1.1 (Dec. 1, 2019): I've recieved quite a few complaints about how bright the colors are, so there's now a button that allows you to make the buttons and boxes black and white instead.
Abbreviator V1.0 (Nov. 29, 2019): Original Release. Contains the following notations: Unabbreviated, Standard (MathCookie’s, Antimatter Dimensions, Aarex’s), Scientific, Engineering, Letters (Regular, Cancer, Scrambled), Alphabet (Regular, Alphacancer, Scrambled), Logarithm, Multi-Logarithm (Double, Triple, Quadruple, Quintuple), Hyperscientific (Letter F, Hyper-E, Power Tower), Myriad, Infinity, Brackets, Roman, Septecoman, Scratch Effect Tiles, Dominoes (Double Six, Nine, Twelve, Fifteen, Eighteen), Logarithmic Mix (MathCookie’s Standard, Antimatter Standard, Aarex’s Abbreviations, Letters, Alphabet, Myriad, Roman, Septecoman, Scratch Effect Tiles, Double Six Dominoes), Alternate Base (Bases 2 to 36), Dozenal (Grand, Mo, a dialect that's triggering Scratch's bad word detector for no reason, SDN, TGM), Blind (Light, Black), Powers of One.