Change Log:
v13.1.3 (November 22, 2022):
- Updated credits
- Fixed the version text being visible when activating the credits from the title screen
- Fixed an issue with the character icons
- Fixed Freddy's name being inconsistent between the tooltip and the character list
v13.1.2 (November 16, 2022):
- Replaced the info button on the title screen when Experimental UI is enabled with a credits button
- Raised the category button in the character selection screen
- Replaced
@Will_Wam's Text Engine with
@griffpatch's Text Engine
- A character's name and health is displayed above their preview when hovering over their icon
- Every battle background can now appear in Endless Mode
- The character selection now has 7 rows of 8 icons, instead of 6 rows of 9 icons
- The 'Random' option in team mode now picks from the currently shown category
- The 'Random' option in team mode can no longer select Epic Mario or Sheldon Cooper
- Drowned now has 'Jumpscare 3' instead of 'Jumpscare 2'
- Fixed the attack preview not disappearing when entering a battle when the character preview has yet to show
- Fixed the attack preview not disappearing when entering the Info or Mode menu if it is shown right before you entered the menu
- Fixed Freddy, Bonnie, Foxy, and Toy Bonnie's icons not not being able to show up after returning to title
- Fixed the settings button appearing incorrectly under certain circumstances when Experimental UI is enabled
- Fixed the 'Trident' attack not facing the right direction if Experimental Features is enabled
- Fixed the 'Random' option choosing from the wrong category under certain conditions
v13.1.1 (September 13, 2022):
- Decreased first load time
- Changed loading text to say '5-ish seconds' instead of '10-ish seconds'
- The character attacks preview no longer shows in world mode
- Fixed being able to use the same character multiple times in team mode by changing the page or category
- Fixed 'The North' text popup in world mode not disappearing when clicking the green flag
- Fixed typo in splash text
v13.1 (July 1, 2022):
- Added Epic Mario, who dies instantly and has no attacks
- Added Sheldon Cooper
- A loading screen now shows up on first startup
- New splash text
- Characters from TF2 now have a unique game over sound effect and victory sound effect
- Freddy's nose now only makes a single noise
- Changed the look of the settings button in the character selection screen
- The attacks a character has is now shown under them when hovered over
- Fixed many issues related to character icon pages
- Fixed the icon page text not deleting itself when entering the info menu, resulting in issues
- Fixed Robux Man's name in the name list being outdated
- Fixed issues with the "Chargin' Targe" attack in team mode
- Removed the FPS toggle
v13.0 (June 22, 2022):
- Added Endless Mode
- Added Drowned
- Added Sniper
- Added Demoman
- Readded splash text
- Changed the title screen layout when experimental UI is on
- Tooltips now have a magenta outline
- Some text now uses Will_Wam's clone text engine, including the splash text
- When there are more than a certain amount of character icons, they get now get split into a different page
- The player's health when fighting Animdude or A:TR is now set to double the character's health, instead of 250
- The giftbox now resets the player's health to the character's default health, instead of 150
- Updated title screen background and music to reflect Lilygear Lake from FNaF World
- Moved the random option to be with the character icons
- The random option now randomly chooses a character from the current category
- Updated credits
- Fixed Phantom Freddy's tooltip not adjusting it's position in cases where it should
- Fixed the blip sound effects from the character icons occasionally being audible when in the settings screen
- Fixed part of the April Fools prank not working
- Fixed the 'in_settings_menu' variable not resetting when hitting the green flag
- Fixed characters in World Mode always appearing locked
- Fixed the character's tooltip sometimes not disappearing when hovering over the category button
- Removed the GUI Scale setting
This is a game where you choose a character and just, idk, battle some evil dude
ya got 4 modes, one being a work in progress.
and uh, yeah, enjoy the cringe
Betas for future versions are here:
FNAF World is owned by Scott Cawthon.
Undertale Text Engine by
Clone Text Engine by
Minecraft is owned by Mojang Studios & Microsoft.
Team Fortress 2 is owned by Valve.
Roblox is owned by the Roblox Corporation.
Music by: Leon Risken, Lena Raine, Valve, and Nintendo.
#all #fnafworld #fnaf #world
animdude: the revenge's weakness is mic toss
Technical changes in v13.1.3:
- New 'in_credits' variable
Technical changes in v13.1.2:
- New 'in_mode_menu' variable
- New 'textgriff.clear' broadcast
- New 'text.version' broadcast
- New 'text.copyright' broadcast
- New 'text.endless_scoreboard' broadcast
- New 'text.character_name' broadcast
- New 'debug_mode' variable
- New 'text.endless_death' broadcast
- New 'text.endless_score' broadcast
- New 'backgrounds:dark' list
- New 'icons_per_page' local variable in the 'charaIcons' sprite
- New 'load_game.modded' broadcast
- Removed 'W_W Text Engine' sprite