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ok guys no more ideas for a bit if you have one please wait click da buttons press see inside and go to the backdrop to see the songs don't press t glow mode dosn't work for some things press up arrow for stickman2010 buttons: est. 150 comment ideas for buttons (p.s., you can comment yourself as an idea, but it might take longer because I might not know how to animate your character.) kill him

Notes and Credits

credits 2 everyone 4 everything yeet newest button: warning: cring songs:58 m̶i̶l̶d̶ medium seizure warning for turbo + rainbow mode ideas to be done: Sid, bob, ness, captain underpants, chikorita, soinc, coo team, piplup and quandale dingle, sobble alone, sandwich.png, Comedy Central, PLEASE NOTE: characters aren't hurt if they're not supposed be be hurt Garfield is cute not this sub-human trash

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