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Welcome to BTD Custom 2! With similar features to BTD6, this game includes unique maps, monkeys and upgrades. There are now 4 different maps that you must defend from the bloons. Now you can earn money from beating certain difficulties and spend them on upgrades in your village to make your gameplay even better (W.I.P). Play in Sandbox mode to test out towers and rounds! Summon Buttons: "1"= Red Bloon "2"= Blue Bloon "3"= Green Bloon "4"= Yellow Bloon "5"= Pink Bloon "6"= Black Bloon "7"= White Bloon "8"= Lead Bloon "9"= Zebra Bloon "0"= Rainbow Bloon "U"= Ceramic Bloon "-"= Gold Bloon "I"= M.O.A.B Hold "space" with a bloon to turn it camo.

Notes and Credits

What's New? (10/21/20) - This game is discontinued due to me not being active anymore. ;( Keyboard Shortcuts- "x" to sell and "z" to cancel placement. "." to upgrade and "space" to start round. "," to toggle auto-aim. (WARNING AUTO AIM MAKES THE GAME A BIT LAGGY. THIS MAY AFFECT GAMEPLAY). Special thanks to Ninja Kiwi for inspiring me to make this game. You can check out their awesome games at ninjakiwi.com.

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