FAQ available below.
Much better than the previous available version. Contains an experimental UI and double scales the graphics (toggleable via list), supports MBC1,3,5 and has basic audio support (sq1 and sq2)
I encourage everyone to look at the code and play around to see if you can make it faster or fix any bugs that I missed!
There is still one remaining severe instruction bug causing Pokemon Red's intro to skip, its save checksum to fail on initial generation and stopping the stairs to downstairs from working. I'm still attempting to fix this and hope to get it done this weekend so that I can experiment with some performance enhancement changes.
Q: Does it run Pokemon yet?
A: Yes, actually! Can't get far enough to get into a battle though.
Q: Why is it so slow?
A: Per pixel Graphics and CPU emulation take a lot of time, especially when HALT instructions are not used. This can be pinned down to excessive processing per cycle in the timing emulation (vblank, interrupt polling and timer) and the crazy if/else chain I'm using instead of a function lookup table. It should be possible to clean this up in the future.
Q: How do I run other games?
A: See the Instructions.
Q: What types of games run?
A: Games that use MBCs 1, 3 or 5 should run. (most nintendo licensed games and homebrew)
Q: Can you please improve the sound emulation?
A: I understand your plight, but it won't be possible to make it sound much better unless the game is running at an acceptable speed.