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Use your Ninja Skills™ to help Scratch Cat find delicious fish to eat! Now mobile-friendly! CONTROLS (Keyboard): WASD / arrow keys - move, jump, and climb walls! SPACE - interact or attack. R - reset to last checkpoint M - return to main menu CONTROLS (Mobile): Tap/press above/left/right of the cat to move, jump, or climb walls. Tap directly on the cat to interact or attack. There are no resetting or return options for mobile yet, but you don't need them to beat the game.

Notes and Credits

Ninja Cat 2: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/171901607/ The trademark (™) is a joke. Pls laugh ;_; Scores are based on how fast you finish the game! More games: https://scratch.mit.edu/studios/2977376/ CREDITS: Art / Animations: - @amylaser (me) - Scratch Sprites - Inspiration from Pusheen Scripts / Code: @amylaser (me) Sounds / Music: - Scratch Sounds - "Battle Belt Galaxy" - Super Mario Galaxy 2 OST 01 - "Fork Lifter" - Rhythm Heaven Fever LOG: - 2020.5.26 - slowed down the scrolling a bit. Also fixed the leaderboard to account for cloud data throttling. (Thanks to @DD-8861 for the fix!) - 2020.5.27 - applied another leaderboard fix (again, thanks to @DD-8861 for the help) to account for concurrent updates. Hope it works - 2020.5.29 - updated title wiggle so it's more aesthetically pleasing. Thanks to @geckos121 for the suggestion! - 2020.5.30 - updated with mobile-friendly controls! Fixed bug where you could trigger dialogue from the title screen (thanks to @Kracken_kILLeR for identifying the bug). Changed respawn event so that objects don't reset. - 2020.5.31 - tried to update objects so they don't "bounce" (thanks to @Fionacle for identifying a bug with my initial patch). Still not perfect but it's such a tiny detail that I'm going to leave it for now... Also made small change to fish behavior to reduce lag. Removed one of the checkpoints in level 3 to avoid trapping the player on one side of the level. TO DO: - better level editing system? - make mobile-friendly reset & main menu options - Game crashes if you get fish and drown at same time? (found by @haayyy_there) Tags: #games #art #scrolling #platformer #ninja #cat #mobile #friendly

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