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Give me some feedback and suggestions on new stuff to add in the comments, and follow me for more! [MINOR SEZURE WARNING FOR IMPOSSIBLE MODE] IMPORTANT: If the game freezes when you play, and you instantly die, reload the page (no idea why it happens :/) I suggest you don't okay in fullscreen mode it lags a lot for some reason :/ Also important: I made a youtube channel, heres the newest vid: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dQw4w9WgXcQ Theres a secret in it, so don't spoil it in the comments! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Press 1,2,3,4.....9 and 0 to switch waves in the beginning (there are 10!!), and space to start, like it says. Press/hold space or mouse to go up and down, just like in the game geometry dash! (Personally, I prefer space bar, but that could just be me.) Don't touch the top or bottom of the screen, or the obsticklez or you'll die. It can lag a bit, but if you're having lag issues you can run it on turbo warp, thanks to @Mooshroom-09 heres the link: Turbowarp.org/202395548 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Added a low lag mode! Press L at any time to toggle it, and it'll say whether it is on or not. The low lag mode doesn't entirely work :P It just eliminates the particles, which would be the most obvious source of lag. Nobody ever reads to down here, so if you managed to, then comment, "Gib-a-dib."

Notes and Credits

Check out some of my other projects too, I worked hard on some of those! Some of the art I got off google, and same with the music. The death sound effect I got from @griffpach and his amazing geometry dash, which is probably the most viewed thing on scratch. There's like a 50% chance that you haven't checked him out yet. If you somehow haven't, do so, you won't regret it! Also, I got inspiration from @annoyingtroller and his "bloodbath challenge wave." Also got some more inspiration from @IXPLODE and his "Geometry Dash Wave." You should check him out as well, he's a really good coder from the looks of it! Thanks! Don't forget to like and favorite!!! ^^ That's beta: v0.9! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~v0.9.1 Added 4 more waves! They look nice~~now there are 10 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 4/24/19 Update! v0.9.2 I nerfed the obstacle where there are two options: Up or down. This should make the game a lot easier! I also changed the UI slightly. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 5/16/19 ~ 3000 Views! I'm so happy! This is a serous milestone, I think, and this project is huge! (at least compared to my others) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Okay it's been a bit and I'd say the views went up a bit :0 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ v1.0 3/30/21 ~ Some major changes, probably the biggest update for a while, or all time; Added a death screen and made the obstacles change colors. The update that I'm most proud of: fixed the wave trail! Now it's smooth and moves at the same speed at the obstacles (it was subtle but it got on my nerves lol) I'm working on a way to restart without clicking the flag again, stay tuned! Remember to leave a star and a heart, and a follow of course! Oh, and also check out my other projects, I make even *more* stupid stuff, if you can believe it. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ v1.0.1 Same day as above ^ (Just later) I added another difficulty! For everyone who is really good at GD (Unlike me) I gave them a bit of a challenge >:) I haven't added many levels, but they'll be many more coming soon. I'm really happy I've come back to this project, it's looking much better already! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I'm working on adding achievements, unlockables, customization, a shop and more! It might not happen though, as I've got a lot of stuff to do in general outside of scratch, sorry :( ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~1.1.2 I forgot to include this, but I also added a restart screen at some point, plus a menu screen. Also added the music changer and I changed the appearances of the obstacles. Adding that up we're currently at v1.1.2 Comment your high scores in the comment section below! 4/22/21 25k Views! Big achievement! Thanks for all the support y'all :3 Let's aim for 30k! :D 5/26/21 that goal for 30k is just around the corner: we're at 29 thousand 500! :D 5/26/21 Another thing; I'm working on editing the hitboxes for the waves as some people (including me) were asking for. (Plus a settings menu...?) Some stuff may not be working for a lil while I make the changes, I'll try to keep the bugs to a minimum :) 5/26/21 I also added a version thingy in the title that way the project looks more professional lmao. but wait a minute isn't that classified as an update...? Time to work on the hitboxes! 5/27/21 Small mistake with the realistic wave turning, but its patched up thanks to @steuerflite7 and @RedFireGD. Another thing to add, the hitbox problem is a lot harder to fix than I originally thought :( I'll try my best to make it happen though! Update: Literally less than five minutes later I realized how to do it ;-; I'll implement it in a second. Official v1.1.3: Smooth turning + hitbox! 5/28/21 200 Stars!! :O 12/10/21 v1.1.4: First edit in a million years, made the easy mode easier and hard mode harder. Enjoy :) P.S. Sorry for not being active, school's been giving me a lot of trouble, plus finals aren't helping :P Not sure if I'll be active at all really, but I'll be sure to drop by every so often! Thanks for everything :)

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