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YOU HAVE HAVE HAVE TO DOWNLOAD AND WATCH I PRESENTATION MODE. KTHXBAI. :DD This is a very generic Warriors AMV x3 It's not focused on any one cat in particular, but the clans as a whole. Everytime I heard this song I kept thinking how if fit like every clan x3 so one day I got of my butt on decided to animate at least half this song. Here's a little clearifcation: "I will never be afraid again!"- Blackfoot/star (Shadow Clan) Because Shadow Clan cat's are mean and don't get scared easily xD "I will keep fighting till the end!"-Firestar (Thunderclan) You know, the big tough, heroic cats you never give up! "I can walk on water!"- Leopardstar (River Clan) 'Cause you know...they swim. lol "I can fly!"- Tallstar (Wind Clan) Because he can run really fast like they don't even touch the ground! :3 :DD The video just repeats some Warrior pics I drew at the end, so keep watching if you want, but I think I've posted all of them before, so ya know enjoy yourself. x3 THANKS FOR WATCHING!

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