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Aim for the basket with your mousepointer Then click to throw To show highscore press the H-key SUPER SECRET, DON'T READ THIS!!!: Press the X-key to enable hacks (trickshot mode)

Notes and Credits

This is a simple arcade game that I have wanted to make for a long time. Hopefully I will make improvements and maybe add different gamemodes in the future. Even though this might look simple, it is one of my most advanced projects so far. Some glitches are to be expected. Can you beat my highscore at nine points? Featured!! 13.05.18 Thanks to @buck32 and @Summer02468 for suggesting. UPDATE-15. may 18---------------------------------------- There is now a highscore in the game. Press H to display it. 16. may 18----------------------------------------------------- Added hacks to the game 19. may 18----------------------------------------------------- Added the experiment game mode --------------------------------------------------------------------

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