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Notes and Credits

Scratch: Story Mode | A @-Cinematic- Series --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Make sure you play Episode One and Two first: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/119821977/ https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/139625909/ Episode 4: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/146020031/ Make sure to follow, love, and favorite! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Please don't comment your code. Controls: [Movement] - A and D keys. [Interaction] - MOUSE, and E key. [Quick Time Events] Q key / Up or W key [Choices] Press a number key on your keyboard. Credits: Developed by @-Cinematic- [Scratch Cat] - @-Prime- [Giga] - @MysteryTopHat [Pico] - @jotony [Nano] - @Bountehunter71 [Tera] - @sodafizz321 [Narrator] - @cutupuss [Art] - Inspired by Scratch library, art/animation by @-Cinematic- [Code] - @-Cinematic- and ideas by @cutupuss [Idea] - Inspired by Minecraft Story Mode [Music] - Minecraft: Story Mode & Telltale Games You're welcome to do Let's Plays on this, and post it to YouTube. THIS IS MEANT TO BE A PARODY OF MINECRAFT: STORY MODE. Special Thanks to: @cutupuss @GhostGameKid @Scrathkat @LightningBoltGames @SpectralHeart @AnimeEpisodic and you!

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