When creating a remix, do not just copy the project. Always make some kind of change when creating a remix, and don't share the remix until that change has been made. If it isn't immediately obvious what was changed, be sure you put it in the notes and credits. It might seem pedantic, but this happens WAY too often...
1 - Manual Firing Mode
2 - Automatic Firing Mode
Z - Bone
X - Gaster Blaster
C - Blue Bone
V - Orange Bone
B - Blue Gaster Blaster
N - Orange Gaster Blaster
M - Small Gaster Blaster
WASD - Blue Magic
F - Small Blue Gaster Blaster
G - Small Orange Gaster Blaster
J - Horizontal sliding bones
L - Dodge
9 - Set Soul to red
0 - Set Soul to blue
The buttons in the bottom right control the direction your attacks will fire in. You can also use the 3 and 4 keys to cycle through attack directions. "Custom" uses a custom aim point that will set at your cursor position when you click.
The buttons in the top left of the screen control your bonewall power. You can click on them, or use the 5 and 6 keys to cycle between them. More powerful wall throws are taller, but also slower.
The buttons in the top right control the bone height. Click on one of the thirds of the slider to control the height of bones. You can also use 7 and 8 to cycle through the different bone heights.
Just below the bone height buttons is a bone speed button, which allows you to modify the speed that the bones travel.
Right below that is the "Pause Blasters" button. The Blaster on the button indicates whether Blasters are going to fire or not. If its mouth is closed, no Blasters will fire until its mouth is opened again. Clicking it will toggle between the two.
The buttons with the SOULs on them allow direct control of blue magic. They allow Sans to change the gravity (or lack thereof) of the SOUL without throwing them or raising traps. Click on them to select them.
The little square and rectangle buttons to the left of Sans allow you to toggle the size of the box between small and large. Click on them to select which one you want, but keep in mind that throwing the Soul while the box is large will automatically set it back to small.
If for whatever reason you are having trouble with too many clones or have bone speed set to zero, you can click the "clear all clones" button to delete all on-screen attacks.
As Sans dodges, he will gradually become more and more tired. This will allow him to go into...
Sans (Phase 2)
All previous attacks, plus...
WASD - Fast Blue Magic
K - Sliding bones
Q - Cross Blaster Pattern
E - Plus Blaster Pattern
R - Blue to white bone pattern
Arrow Keys - Move Around
Spacebar - Attack Sans [He can't keep dodging forever.]
H - Use item
Debug codes (press P to input, see inside the stage for what exactly they do):
choked up
mr beaster
entirely ordinary and unremarkable
READ BEFORE YOU COMMENT pretty please :)
- If you're not sure how to play, a great place to start is the instructions.
- This game does not - and physically can not - support mobile. You've gotta use keyboard & mouse.
- Don't comment project links; it's pretty rude to try and draw people away. That includes this project's own link; you're not clever.
- Report bugs please
Frequently Asked Questions
"How do I get to phase 2?"
Attack Sans (and have him dodge) enough and he will become tired. When this happens, you have entered Phase 2.
"Can you add a fatigue system so Sans can't spam attacks?"
Nope. One of the things I want to emphasize with this project is the freedom to do whatever you want. I think it's more important to give Sans the freedom to make whatever difficulty of patterns he pleases than it is to limit his ability for the sake of "fairness."
"Can you add the cut/blackout/blinking thing that Sans does?"
Alright, here's the thing. I want to you envision what that would look like in a /multiplayer/ environment. What would it be like for Sans? The screen would still have to be visible so that he could see what attacks he's putting down. And what would it be like for the human? They would have to sit there and wait until Sans is finished meticulously planning out his "1000 IQ attack;" it wouldn't be any fun to play against. And besides, it may not be so much fun to play with either. So, no. I will not be adding this.
"Where is this or that attack?"
You can do pretty much all of Sans' attacks manually, but I'm working on automating some of them.
"Sans is throwing out patterns that are impossible to dodge!"
That is a problem between you and whoever you are playing with. I want to give the Sans player the freedom to use whatever attack patterns they like, to encourage creativity and freedom in difficulty.
"How do I activate the final attack?"
Attack Sans until he can't take it anymore.
"Can you make a 1 player mode?"
At that point, you're just asking me to remake the Sans fight. If that's what you want, I'd recommend checking this out:
"What do the debug codes do?"
Check the code in the stage, you will find notes that detail what each code does.
Platforms are complicated, it would require that I rewrite ALL the soul movement code... I've started work on it a long time ago, you can find a separate project of mine titled "Blue Soul Baseline" where you can see my progress, but now that I'm out of school I have no real reason to continue work on it. Sorry.
(Old patch notes will get deleted after a while, as Scratch has a character limit on the notes & credits.)
V1.9x41 [2-16-2022]
- Updated visuals for box, bonewall size, and bone size buttons
- Overhauled Sans animations & visuals
- Sans must now have been attacked in order to speak after dodging
- Overhauled bonewalls & throws
- Overhauled final attack
- Added "custom" attack direction
- The SOUL's attack now comes out slightly faster
- The game now loads before starting, fixing a lot of inconsistency
- General cleanup
- I probably forgot something, this update took multiple days to make lol
V1.9x42 [2-18-2022]
- Fixed 6 & 7 buttons ignoring "custom" attack direction
- Fixed 8 & 0 using wrong bone size variable
V1.9x43 [2-21-2022]
- The SOUL now takes damage when being flung against the walls after the final attack
- The SOUL no longer regenerates during Sans' "The Choice" speech
- During the beginning of the final attack, the SOUL now centers itself when being thrown right twice as fast
V1.9x44 [2-23-2022]
- Fixed Sans breaking when throwing while dodging
V1.9x45 [7-25-2022]
- Fixed the "gravity" variable not setting to 0 on project start
- Removed the version number from the project title, as it was kind of an eyesore.
V1.9x46 [10/4/2023]
- You can now find the debug codes at the bottom of the instructions.
- Added special holiday stuff for Christmas, Halloween, Easter, and this project's birthday. Any of these can be forcefully enabled using the debug input.
V1.9x47 [10/17/2023]
- Added a code, "entirely ordinary and unremarkable," that sets the event to 0 (disables holiday content)
V1.9x48 [11/2/2023]
- Fixed switching holidays causing particles to freeze
- Changed debug menu text to make it more clear
V1.9x49 [11/27/2023]
- Fixed the phase 2 attacks that cause soul mode changes causing colored attacks to break
V1.9x50 [12/21/2023]
- Snowflakes no longer cause Blaster bodies to damage the Soul
V1.9x51 [4/13/2024]
- Added a Blaster Delay button in the config menu under Sans > Attacks
V1.9x52 [5/9/2024]
- Added boneless slams
- Improved bonewall height, bone size, and attack direction hotkeys
- 9 and 0 now select between Soul modes
V1.9x53 [2/18/2025]
- Added some notes to the debug codes to clarify exactly what they do