Hello! Welcome to Animal Crossing Mini! This is basically a mini version of Animal Crossing. Use arrow keys to move.
1. Start/2. instructions/3. Free bells/4. Town Hall/5. Score
1. When you start, your character will ask you if you are a boy or girl. You must answer that question before you start playing. (If you choose the wrong gender, press the green flag or go to Able Sisters.)
2. The post (the wooden box on sticks next to the Town Hall) will tell you the instructions. It will ask you what stuff you want to learn about.
3. Want free bells? Go to animaljambuddies.blogspot.com, click on the "Fun" page tab at the top of the page, and there will be a thing that's labeled August 7, 2013. The code that you have to enter will be bolded.
4. TownHall: Pay off all your mortgage and your house will be huge. Donate 10000 bells, and the Boondoxians will give you a free green feather.
5. Technically there isn't a score, but maybe we can have a "Who Has the Most Bells" contest. (Prize: pride)
New stuff coming soon!
Sorry it's very laggy.
Idea: Nitendo
Most Pictures: Google Images
Town Hall: Someone from my family
Everything else: ScratchStang (me!)