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NOTE: :P I know this sounds like the Gravity Falls theme song. You don't have to tell me in the comments. XD :P XD ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HOW TO USE THIS PROJECT: ----Click and drag the mouse to rotate the planets. ----Press the space bar to change the planet. ----Make the resolution higher.... if you dare! WARNINGS: ----Some planets are a bit computer intensive. Lower the resolution when needed.

Notes and Credits

SONG CREDITS: The song "Made Me Realize" --- Brad Breeck wrote the song. This specific mp3 though was performed by someone else. Here is the link to the video (go ahead and watch it! XD) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3IokZRHDUhU HOW THIS WAS MADE: The idea is that a sprite scans a square from (-100, 100) to (100, -100) and checks when it is in a circle with radius 100, that is, when: X^2+Y^2<100^2 If it is true, it calculates the Z position using the Pythagorean theorem: Z=sqrt(100^2-X^2-Y^2) I also have 3 sprites for 3 axis, which tell me where the points: X (100, 0, 0) Y (0, 100, 0) Z (0, 0, 100) are. Then I can use the point of the scanner, and the positions of the axis to decide what color to color each point. Simple, right? :D

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