Press space, the up arrow, or click/tap the screen to jump (You must match the inputs of the video playing)
Press P to toggle practice mode
Hold Q or E to move your practice checkpoint
Press 4 or 6 to offset the video, allowing you to adjust to latency (press H to help you adjust the timings)
Whenever you miss an input, your screen will indicate where you needed to tap or release
Cheats (you will not get new bests with these cheats enabled):
Press H to view hitboxes
Press A to enable "autoplay" (only possible in practice mode.) Autoplay will demonstrate the inputs needed to complete the level
Press R to change the speed of the level. Instead of typing percent, type the speed as a decimal value, like "1.25" for 125% speed, etc.
Press N to enable noclip accuracy (can only activate in practice mode or before respawning
If the assets do not load or the ship is not smooth, try this project on TurboWarp
Geometry Dash by RobTop
Level Footage by Just a GD Player
Acheron by Riot, ryamu & more, verified by Zoink
Song: {dj-N} Thermodynamix by dj-Nate