I "love" the updated Scratch Cat sprite (see
@scratchcat)... and so I thought it was about time I updated my scratch cat walk cycle with this new guy instead! So far I have the original standing frame drawn by the Scratch Team, 1 extra frame to transition into the run cycle. I've drawn 16 frames for his run cycle and added 2 more frames for the jumping.
I'll be adding more animations as time goes by, and perhaps we'll see a Scratchnapped 2 sometime in the future *grin*.
Hope you enjoy the costumes, and as usual feel free to use them!
I drew these costumes in Adobe Illustrator and then imported them back into Scratch as svg images.
Change Log
7 Jun 2016 - v2.2 - Thinned down Scratch Cat a little when rotated
7 Jun 2016 - v2.1 - Added turning animation
6 Jun 2016 - v2.0 - Added a version without the backpack
5 Jun 2016 - v1.1 - Created a further 8 frames for the run cycle bringing it up to a full 16 frames of animation - Looking real smooth!
4 Jun 2016 - v1.0 - Initial Release - 8 frame run cycle + basic 2 frame jump.