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Notes and Credits

BROKEN -- The way cloud variables work has changed, and this project no longer works. Chat with emojis! -- TOP LOVED 5/20/16 INSTRUCTIONS - click an emoji - press enter or click send - scroll the palette with the arrow keys THINGS TO NOTE - This doesn't have every emoji, I've removed some that seemed inappropriate. But don't worry, you can still post a smiley poop! - I removed the peppermint emoji because it looked like a former German flag. - I'm not really moderating this, but if someone is spamming a lot let me know in the comments - When all the posts change to "null: :)" that means something went wrong and the chat reset itself. Don't worry, it should work fine after that. - The "gay" emojis are supposed to be there, this project is LGBT-friendly. - DON'T look at the costumes for the "Palette" sprite, your flash could freeze (if it doesn't, you win!) CREDITS - Cloud chat by @3D_v and @PinotPie - Text engine: Aspergit by @Exento - Emojis from the *awesome* EmojiOne Project http://emojione.com - Enter key detection by @griffpatch CHANGELOG - 8/8/17: per request, removed beer emojis. - 5/16/16: fixed a bug where rendering the palette and chat can interfere with each-other in unexpected ways - 5/16/16: fixed clearing the chat history - 5/17/16: made it less likely for 2 simultaneous messages to collide - 5/18/16: Removed peppermint emoji (1f36c) because it resembles something inappropriate - 5/18/16: Added arrow keys to scroll the palette - 5/19/16: Wasn't working (I had cleared the chatlog, but there always need to be at least 5 messages or it freezes up) - 5/19/16: Added enter key to send - 5/20/16: Added total emoji count - 5/20/16: Added auto corruption detection -- now it should automatically reset the chat if something goes wrong - 5/22/16: Added a user blacklist

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