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Notes and Credits

- caution: experimental - this project includes a tiny Squeak patch which dynamically adds scroll bars to the Scratch window, whenever you resize it below its minimum resolution. It will let you enjoy Scratch on older computers with low-res screens, e.g. 800x600, or whenever you need the Scratch window to be smaller for some other reason, and still want to be able to see everything. Toggling to and from presentation mode is also supported. This project tells you how to install this patch into the officially published Scratch source code version. 1.2.1 http://www.scratch.mit.edu/pages/source The code of this patch will not break any compatibility. Any projects created using its features will also work online. Note: This is really only suitable and useful for experienced Squeak hackers. Feel free to use and modify the source code of this patch anyway you like. Have fun! Jens

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