test the SR calculator by going to a map and pressing tilde and space. if you keep holding, it shows details.
⚠︎FEEL FREE TO ADVERTISE! I would love to help give feedback on other's work!⚠︎
⚠︎ HOLD SHIFT THEN START THE PROJECT TO RUN IN TURBO MODE (WARNING: some devices will have frames where the stamping ends up getting skipped and the game lags more. if that happens, turn off turbo mode) ⚠︎
⚠︎ PLEASE NOTE: as of now, scratch has globally disabled their cloud variable system. to use leaderboards, play on turbowarp.org
after all this time, I can make a scratch account, and upload this mess of a game.
this was a fun game to make and I will absolutely be making more updates as it progresses.
time: 3 years 10 months
blocks: 15.4k
assets: 461
================[HOW TO PLAY]================
use X to C to hit the red notes when they hit the hit mark circle, and use Z and V to hit the blue notes when they hit the hit mark circle.
on the yellow notes, called rolls, you just need to mash to gain points.
on the note that has numbers, that is a den den, you need to alternate between X/C and Z/V keys to score points.
you can use the arrow keys to control the menus, and press "enter" to select a chart, or you can scroll using the scroll wheel and click using the mouse.
you can scroll in the middle of the chart to adjust the master volume.
you can navigate the mods menu using the 1, 2, 3 (these open menus), Q, W, E, A, S, D, F, Z, and X keys (these toggle mods) on the corresponing mod, 1, 2, and 3 control the buttons such as reset mods and the back button.
easy: increases the hit error and slows the notes
nofail: its in the name
halftime: slows the song speed by 0.75%
hardrock: shrinks the hit error and speeds the notes
Sudden Death: if you miss, you fail
Perfect: if your accuracy drops below 100%, you fail
hidden: notes fade out
relax: you can hit any key instead of the corresponding key plus you cant fail (UNRANKED)
auto: automatically plays through the map (UNRANKED)
===========[IMPORTING RESOURCES]===========
- video guide:
- beatmap search (must have an osu! account):
- compressing guide:
to assign a leaderboard, go inside of the project, and go to the LEADERBOARDS sprite, there, you will find two sets of blocks, make sure to click the bottom one first to reset the lists, then when inside the game, click the one on the top to assign a list whenever you have the selection over the map. you may only have 9 active leaderboards.
========[FOR EDITING THE PROJECT]========
since the code is VERY convoluted, it may be difficult to edit this project, but i tried to keep things simplified by using custom blocks with names to organize, using folders so you can easily see what section you are editing, and i have a way for organizing the hundreds of variables and lists. there is a list key in the READ ME sprite. remember, the only variables without something from that key are short term/frequently reset variables, such as storage or iterators like I or INDX.
When animating (example of this would be in the level select input sprite, in the custom blocks for updating the animation of a sprite/clone) we use a variable named "_MS_SINCE_2000." i use these in all my projects so i can animate more easily and with more control. use if statements (sometimes its wait until blocks) to detect when to update an animation.
all of this stuff is usually done because it is tick loop based. i did a tick loop to save storage and for organization sake. trust me it would save the sanity of all of us.
@spiritSK : assets and some rhythm game code snippets. used code as a reference for when I got stuck in some spots. also for the trail.
@olibomby : advice and ideas.
- HUGE SHOUTOUT TO LAWTRON FROM THE OSU DEVELOPERS! he has been helping with my upcoming star rating calculator!
- PPY: creator of osu, and the osu! file format webpage (
https://osu.ppy.sh/wiki/en/Client/File_formats/osu_%28file_format%29 )
- the osu! dev server for help with some resources
some assets were taken from my own skin, but i can't link it without getting flagged by TOS.
- all the maps their mappers, and song artists.
- the absolutely goated playtesters:
#games #rhythm #game #all #osu #taiko #taikonotatsujin #rhythmgame #rhythm #mobile #osutaiko #pen #stamped #remake #impressive #music #game #games #all #crazy==============[BENCHMARKS!]==============
- SpiritSK like/love! (shortly after release)
- 300 views! (1/14/25)
- 50 likes/loves?
==============[MORE OF OSU!]==============
- original game (by dean herbert, AKA peppy/ppy):
- osu! standard (by
@spiritSK /
@spiritSK8 ):
- osu! taiko (by me!)
- osu! mania (by
@OliBomby ):
- osu! catch (will you be the first to make it?):
Q: why is the gameplay so laggy?
A: this is usually because you are in the editor or have the editor loaded. on low end computers, such as a chromebook, it can lag out the game, try refreshing the page on the project page, or dont play in the editor because it tries to auto save and causes glitches.
another issue is that it doesn't run too well on lower end computers. my school computer runs menus at 150 FPS and gameplay at 50, while my PC runs at more than double the framerate.
Q: why is the music off-sync?
A: you can try restarting the project to see if thats the problem. if every song is off-sync, then adjust the "offset" option in the settings menu.
Q: the game is too hard
A: the amount of stars on the button displays the difficulty, try to play the lower difficulty maps first. if you want the difficulties in name, here is the order:
shokyuu: 0*
kantan: 1*
futsuu: 2*
muzukashii: 3*
oni: 4*
inner/ura oni: 5-6*
hell oni: 6-7*
edit (a custom difficulty name unlike others, IE. Unneded, Inner Oni+, Tatsujin, ETC): 1-10*
Q: why cant I import maps?
A: you must be in turbowarp to import maps, scratch imports lists using lossy compression, and because of that, scratch will just get rid of parts (take compressing a PNG to a JPEG image for example, it makes it lower resolution, thats whats happening here, it makes bits get deleted), since turbowarp has a javascript compiler, it can import massive text files properly.
Q: I messed up on importing! help!
A: dont worry i did this way too many times, there are multiple problems, if you want a quick solution, refresh the project, otherwise, here you go:
- the buttons aren't transparent and the menu is very laggy: restart the project, after that, check to make sure that you put the audio/bg file name in correctly, and the SR correctly, you can do this by clicking "see inside" and opening the "files" and "difficulty" list (NOT THE [DIFFICULTY] LIST), after that, locate where the beatmap is in the menu, then find its space in the lists, check those numbers and you are golden.
Q: Why won't the leaderboard save my scores?
A: You must have the "scratcher" status to save scores and use cloud variables, you can check this on your user profile (must spend time making projects, commenting, and time on scratch). if you are a scratcher, you must be on a map that contains a leaderboard, these maps contain a cyan-blue color instead of a pink or purple.
on scratch however, cloud variables are currently disabled by the scratch team. it is unknown when they will be reinversed.
==============[CHANGE LOG]===============
for a full change log, view the INFORMATION/READ ME sprite.
- added 1k blocks because im a sociopath
- D I F F C A L C
- Added a fail screen
- fixed a minor leaderboard display bug.
- added applause sound effect
- fixed EVERY barline glitch (i think???)
- fixed a barlines glitch (how ironic) where there would be some on the hit marker at the end of the song
- added stream adjustments to the diffcalc
there shouldn't be anymore changes, right? ri-