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Scroll down for more! This is not finished this will be the new version of the other one its the same as this one but without the babies If you see the vote on the bottom this is what you do for them both 1.fav 2.heart dont pick both unless you dont know what to pick V1. RELEASEE V2. ADDED OC’S only one for now and added Ooh with acute V3. Added more babies V4. Improved some voices with my new voice changer and updated В with caron V5. Added baby kha V6. Added baby zhe’s official animation V7. Added official baby designs and added it so you can here how i voice yar V8. Added more babies and improved some V9. Updated Ghuh V10. Updated ь and added more OC’S V11. Updated baby geh V12. Deleted all babies except official deh V16. Added the official desings and added some letters that got confirmed

Notes and Credits

try this on turbowarp c2a for the letters just to pepole not get mad cuz of this

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