15 levels, 17 birds, 3 eggs, and a lot of pigs in angry birds scratch: Mix N Match!
credit goes to the creator of angry birds scratch and creator of angry birds scratch deluxe,
@Micheal14b for berry's sound effects :)
and thx
@jdehkuadg201742 for bounci's sound effects :)
and thanks
@michael14b for stella's code
Red: screams and it does nothing, mixed with Stella
Stella: floats pigs and blocks up in a bubble!
Jake: splits into five, but his brothers are as weaker then him
Chuck: speeds up forward and throws his mirror at cursor, needs his ego checked
Bomb: explodes, mixed with Jo
Jo: dances through the air, before making a funfeddy explosion!
Chris: launches an explosive egg in the chosen direction and explodes on NIGH impact, his sister was out sick
Hal: comes back around like a boomerang, has a banjo
Terence: bulks up with RAAAGE, a large cannon ball
berry: literally puffs UP, flying upwards, ill-tempered, unlike his baby brother
Earl: flies in a straight line forward and explodes! a student of the all mighty
Bucky: little man's on a homing rocket! click where you want him to shoot at
Bounci: flings a molten rock, bet you can guess what his power is in space
melody: sucks up blocks, and spits em out where your aiming at! lazy and smart, quite the dangerous combo