OMG 100,000 VIEWS THANKS (may I ask, why is this my most viewed project?)
When the battle is over click green flag Twice
How to play:
Use WASD to control Sans
Up, Down, Left, and Right to control Chara/SOUL
Sans Attacks:
Z:Shoot Bones
C:Blue Bones
Chara's Attack:
Numpad0: FIGHT aka Shoot Heart Particles
Thanks so much to
@Frogboy385. Please take a look at his version of this too as he is the original creator.
I changed the Sans Win screen a little
Also the Chara win screen a little
Got hid of some of Sans's health to make things easier
HOPE YOU LIKE IT (Everybody did! xD)
@Frogboy385, this game would not have been possible
Also thanks to Toby Fox for making UnderTale