I suggest to go on turbo mode, its cool!
On easy mode there are two missiles and two bombs what are going to keep falling down on you. Bonus: on easy mode you are smaller!
On hard mode there are two missiles and two bombs what are going
to keep falling down on you, the giant atomic bomb that falls at about 30 secs, and the ghost that comes around 10-15 secs.....finally there is a missile that shoots across the side that comes every 10-100 secs! Also you are bigger!
7/8/15 Save scratch cat was created!
15/11/16 Christmas update, get ready guys!
19/4/17 Spring and summer update! (Sorry its so late, I've been REALLY busy with my school -_-)
Proper instructions to success:
1.Press the green flag.
2.When it shows game name and it has stopped gliding, click it
3.Choose a control and mode.
4.Play the game.
5.Love it.
6.Fave it.
@_holly_dash_ .
8.Recommend this to friends.
10.When you die, press the green flag.
11.Repeat! (Except step 5,6 and 7 if you've already done it xD)
@griffpatch for the Scratch cat animation!
Thanks to me for creating this project!
Thanks to everyone who has loved, favorited and viewed this project!
Thanks to gman120 for the inspiration! Here is the link: