See inside
Put sprite in backpack
50 loves! 9/9/2015
60 loves! 5/10/2016
[When this sprite is in backpack]
| [forever]
| [change |color v| effect by (10)]
| [say [:D]]
Ver 2.3.1: Quick update to add some helpful things
Ver 2.3: Time for another update! Updated the demo and added escape sequences with the \ character. This is the same as § except underline is \u (\n is newline). There are 4 new escape sequences (exclusive to the backslash), which are: \n newline, \t tab, \§ (displays §), and \\ (displays \). Note: I drew the § character because it wasn't in the ascii.png file.I also drew the creeper face.
Tried to compress the font into one list, found that Scratch's '<[] = []>' is not case-sensitive. :\
Ver 2.2: Added underline and strikethrough, changed the shadowed character drawing a little
Extra! Use the smiley face character (☺) to make a creeper face!
Ver 2.1: Updated font a bit.
Ver 2.0: Added color formatting with § character like real Minecraft!
Mojang AB for the text
me for the scripts
The Official Minecraft wiki ( ) for the text colors and formatting codes